
Need of Network Security - Computer Networking

Hey Friends, In our previous tutorial, we had read about what is the network and what is computer networking, if you have not yet read that article, then read it first, then it will read the tutorial. We had said in our previous article that in the upcoming article you will get to read about why network security is necessary, so today in this article we will tell you why network security is important. So let's start.

Need of Network Security

Friends, there are two forms of everything in this world, lose-win, good-bad, day-night, sour-sweet, etc. Similarly, if the network will do your work faster and save time. So there are chances to steal your data. Network security is required only to prevent this data theft. So, whatever data you are sending over the network can reach your location safely.

The Network needs security against hackers and attackers on the network. Network security includes 2 basic securities. 

  • Security of data information: - to protect the information from unauthorized access and loss on the network. 
  • Computer Security: - to protect the data and to thwart hackers.

Security of data information

We all know that on the internet, thousands of important information are exchanged daily by organizations, company, etc. This information can be misused by the attacker for their benefits or any other greed. There are such reasons where information security is needed:-

  • To protect the secret information from unauthorized access. 
  • To protect the information from unwanted editing by unauthorized users. 
  • To protect the message from delay in the transmission lines. 
  • To protect the message from loss and make it to be delivered to the destination properly. 

Computer Security

And another part of network security includes computer security. Computer Security means protecting your computer system from unwanted damages due to network. One of the major reasons for such damages is computer viruses or spyware on the computer. Viruses wipe off all the data or information from the hard disk. And sometime it may cause hardware problems too. The network must be protected from such type of software damages.  The people behind this software damages are generally known as hackers.  As a computer network is a part of it so the computer security from hackers is also a part of network security. The need for computer security from hackers are as follows:- 

  • It needs proper protection from the worms.
  • It should be protected from replicating and capturing viruses from infected files.
  • There is a need for protection from Trojan horses as they are enough danger for your computer.

So, friends in this tutorial we have learned about the need for network security. And the basic type of network security with a full explanation. If you have any questions related to this comment below. We are trying our best to explain or convince you with any other example. You can also read our previous article on Introduction to computer networking clicking the link. Thank more reading follow us for more articles.

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What is Computer Networking? Introduction to Computer Network

Hey, friends in our day to day life we use a lot of technologies which help us to save our money, time, resources, etc. In the 21st Century, technology is upgrading day by day. One of the most popular examples of technology inventions is mobile phones, cars, bikes, trains, etc. How easy has life been with technology being in our lives?  Where earlier they had to write letters to talk to their loved ones. He also received that letter after 3-5 days.  And now press some button on the mobile phone and talk with your loved one, relative friends, etc. 

Where earlier it used to take 1-2 days to go from one place to another. The same today you can reach by Airplane in a few hours.

Where earlier it used to be 1 rupee to send a message from one mobile to another. The same goes for free today with the help of Whatsapp, Messenger, etc. (Just your phone should have internet connectivity.)  There is not one, a thousand examples where technology has made human work easier.

So friends, today we are going to talk on a topic which is much more important on the computer. We are going to learn about computer networks? 

Many users ask me on the comment. Sir, what is networking? And what is the difference between networking and computer networking so friends today we are going to read about networking, computer networking, and what need of computer networking is. So let’s begin…

What is networking?

When two or more devices connected to each other through wire or wireless to share some data and resource like: - videos, audio, files, etc. it is known as networking. 

What is Computer Networking?

Whereas, when two or more computers and associated devices connected to each other to provide information share data, files, and other documents over the network is known as computer networking. 

Networks allow you to share resources like printers, modems, scanners, applications, software disk space, etc.  The network provides a lot of services but in today's life, the main attraction on it is e-meetings, video conferencing, etc. Now, the question arises that if today's group meeting is held through computer networks then there might be some important or secret data also discuss through video conferencing. So, is our data or secret thing are secure on the network. And also is our data reach their destined location or not. The answer to all these questions is clear on the next topic which was what is network security? And what is the need for network security? 

So guys today we learned about the basic information about the computer networks. but if have any doubt or confusion regarding this comment your question on below. we definitely try to provide an answer to your question. Stay connected for more tutorials. 

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C Instruction With Example in C Language.

Hey Guys, So far we have covered some basic programs and things in c language. In this program, we are going to talk about instructions in c language. Let’s begin…

There are three types of instruction in c language:- 
  1. Type Declaration Instruction
  2. Arithmetic Instruction
  3. Control Instruction
Purpose of these instructions are below:- 

1. Type Declaration Instruction:- Used to declare the type of variable 
2. Arithmetic Instruction:- Used to perform the arithmetic operation 
3. Control Instruction:- Used to control the sequence of the instructions.

Let us discuss this instruction in brief

1. Type Declaration Instruction 

This Instruction is used to declare the type of variable which is used on the program. It is necessary to declare the variable first before using it on the program. The type declaration statement is written in the beginning of the main( ) function.

Ex :-

int abc;
float xyz;
char m, a, b;

(a)  You should also declare the variable value initially look at the example below

Ex :-

int x = 10,  y = 20,  z = 15; 
float x = 17.5, y = 18.5, z = 20.256;

(b)  Always remember the order of the variable, sometimes the order of the variable is important, sometimes not. Look at the example below to see the difference


Int a = 10, b = 15; 
     It is same as 
Int b = 15, a=10;
float a = 12.5, b = a + 4.15 ; is alright, but
float b = a + 4.15, a = 12.5 ; is not.

Because in the above declaration we are trying to use a variable before declaring it on the program.

2 Arithmetic Instructions

The general form of an arithmetic instruction follow rules given below.

i) It must contain one assignment operator  =.
ii) There should be one variable on the left-hand side of  = 
iii) On the right side of =, there should be variables and constants.
iv) And those variables and constant will be connected by some arithmetic operators like +,-,*,/,%.

In C arithmetic instruction, it consists of a variable name on the left side to the = operator and variable name & constant on the right-hand side. The variables on the right-hand side of the = are connected with the arithmetic operator like = +,-,/,*; etc.


int  principle;
float  rate, time, simple_interest;
principle = 100000;
rate = 5.10;
time = 3.6;     /*3 year and 6 Months
simple_interest = principle * rate * time / 100;


  • +,-,*,/ these are the arithmetic operators.
  • = is the assignment operator.
  • principle is an integer variable.
  • rate, time, simple_interest are the real variable. 
  •  5.10, 3.6, are the real constant. 
  • 100000 is the integer constant. 

What are operands?

Variables and constants together are called operands. These operands are connected by arithmetic operators.

3 Control Instruction 

As the name suggests itself ‘Control Instructions’ enable us to specify the order in which the various instructions in a program are to be executed by the computer. In other words, the control instructions determine the ‘flow of control’ in a program.

There are four types of control instruction are:- 

1. Sequence Control Instruction 
2. Selection or Decision Control Instruction
3. Loop control instruction 
4. Case-Control Instructions

In this tutorial, we learn about Instruction in C programming. If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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Principle or Rules for Writing C Program in C Programming.

In the previous articles, I already told you about variables, constants, and keywords, etc. Now the next step is to combine them (variable, keywords, and constants) to form an instruction. But before knowing about instruction we are going to make a new program using variable constant and keywords.

But before going to make a program we have to study the procedure or rules of writing a program in c language.  Remember that these rules are applicable to all c programs written on c language. Let’s Begin...

  • Every C program statement must be ended with “;” (semicolon) generally known as a statement terminator.
  • All the statements should be written in small letters.
  • Blank space is used between two words to improve the statement readability.
  • No blanks were allowed between the variables, constants, and keywords.
  • Each Instruction in c program is written as a separate statement.
Let us write down our first program in c language. In this program we are going to calculate the simple interest of any amount.

/* Calculation of simple interest */

/* Author Mad About Computer Date: 01/09/2020 */

main( )


 int p, t ;

 float r, si ;

 p = 1000 ;

 t = 3 ;

 r = 8.5 ;

 /* formula for simple interest */

 si = p * t * r / 100 ;

 printf ( "%f" , si ) ;


Explanation of the program.

  1. The first two lines of the program are a comment. The Information provided between the /* */ is the information of the program, programmer, and date of the program when it was written.  
  2. It is not necessary to write down the comment in your program but it is a good practice of the programmer to begin the program with a comment which shows the information about the programs and something else which is important in your program.
  3. After the comment, we used a function called main (). Main() is the function of c program. It indicates where your program has started. When you execute your program it directly executes from the main functions.
  4. After the main function, we declared our variables where p represents the principle, t represents time, the r represent rate and si represent the simple interest respectively. It is necessary to declare the variable before we use it on the program. We already assign the value of the variables. ( p = 1000, t = 3.5, r = 8.5 ). 
  5. After the variable declaration, we have to put the formula of the simple interest into the program. The formula of the simple interest is p*r*t/100. In the formula, you have seen we use (*, / ) symbol. What does it mean? The symbol is known as an arithmetic operator. We discuss the operator in detail later. Just know that * operator is used to multiplying two or more values. And the / operator is used to divide two or more values.   
  6. Once the s.i value Is calculated we have to display it on the screen. To display the result of the simple interest, we have to use printf() keyword on the program. Printf() keyword is used to display anything on the display screen
     The main method to used printf( ) function is :- printf ( "", ) ;can contain,
    • %f for printing real values
    • %d for printing integer values
    • %c for printing character values
    In this tutorial, we learn about principle or rules for writing c programs in C programming. If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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      Basic Structure of C programs

      Hey Friends, so far we have learned about some basic things of C programming language like ( Variable, Constant, Keywords, etc. ) Now today we are going to learn about the basic structure of c programming. So let’s begin..!!!

      Basic Structures of C programs 

      Basically, any c program is divided into 6 different sections. These Six Sections are:-

      1. Documentation Section
      2. Link Section 
      3. Definition Section 
      4. Global Declaration Section 
      5. Main() Function Section 
      6. Subprograms Section

      Below you find a brief information on them.

      Basic Structure of C programs

      Documentation Section

      In the Documentation Section, the Programmer gives the information (Details) about the program, author, coding details, and some other stuff that is used on it. Documentation Section helps anyone (user, programmer, author, owner, etc)  to get an overview of the program.



      * File Name: Helloworld.c

      * Author: Suresh Mishra

      * Date: 24/08/2020

      * Description: a program to display hello world


      Link Section 

      Link Section is a part of code that is used to add or insert-header files that will be used on the program. This section tells the compiler to link header files from the system libraries.


      #Include <stdio.h>

      Definition Section 

      In this section, we define the different constant. And also keywords as well.


      #define PI=3.14

      Global Declaration Section 

      In this Section, Global variables are declared. All the Global Variable which is used on the program are declared in the global declaration section.


      int a=7 b= 10, float z = 7.10 etc

      Main Function Section 

      Every C program it is necessary to have the main function. Each Main Function contains 2 parts. 1. Declaration Part and 2. Execution Part. The declaration part is the part where all the variables are declared. And the execution part always starts with curly brackets and end with curly brackets. Both the part must have inside the curly brackets.

      void main ()
      Int a = 10;
      printf(“%d”, a);  
      return 0;

      Subprograms Section 

      All the user-defined functions are defined in this section of the program.


      int add(int a, int b)
      return a+b;

      In this tutorial, we learn about the basic structure of C programming. If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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      Compilation and Execution in C Programming.

      Compilation and Execution 

      Once you wrote the program you need to type it and execute it. To type the C program you need a software in which you type your program called Editor. After type your code, you need another software which converts your c program code into machine language (0 and 1 form) known as Compiler.

      The Compiler software companies provide an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which consists of an Editor as well as the Compiler.

      There are several IDE software available in the market for different operating systems. For ex: - Turbo C, Turbo C++, etc. are for MS-DOS. Visual C++, Borland, etc. are available for Windows and GCC are works under Linux OS.

        upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/GNU...MS DOS for Android - APK DownloadMicrosoft launches Visual Studio Online public preview and ML.NET ...
                                                                          Image Source

      In my opinion, if you are a beginner you have to use Turbo C or Turbo C++. Once you have mastered the elements then you can easily switch over to other software like Borland or Visual C++ etc.

      Now let assume you are using Turbo C or Turbo C++ compiler. So here are the few steps that you have to follow to compile or execute the C program. 

      1. Start the compiler at C> prompt. 

      2.  Select New from the File menu. 

      3. Type the program.

      4. Save the program using F2.

      5. Use (Ctrl + F9) to compile and execute your c program.

      6. Use Alt + F5 to view the output.

      Note that after compiling the program a new file stored on your disk (.EXE file). This file is known as an executable file. If you give that file to your friend to check your program they didn’t need to compile the file again they directly double click on that file and the file will start executing the program.

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      Keywords And First Program Hello World in C Programming.

      In C programming language, there are some words stored on its compiler library. These words have performed some task or instruction which was already written on it. These types of words are known as Keywords.

      You cannot define a variable which name is exactly matching with keywords. Because if you create them they perform their instruction rather than yours. Keywords are also known as ‘Reserved Words’.

      In c programming, you can also create your keyword as well. There are only 32 keywords available in c programming.

      Hello World – The first C Program

      Friends, So far we have learned about variable, constant, and keywords. Let combine all of these to form a simple program in C language.

      Let now write down our first c program. In this program, we are going to print a simple “Hello World!!” which is displayed on your monitor screen.  Let’s begin…


      /* Welcome to Mad About Computer */
      #include <stdio.h>
      printf("Hello World!!");
      return 0;


      Now, look at the function of all the above code.

      1. The First line in the program #include <stdio.h> is preprocessor command, which tells the compiler to include the content of <stdio.h> file in the program. The full form of stdio.h is Standard Input and Output. Stdio.h is a header file(Extension of the header file is .h) which contains functions such as Printf() or Scanf() to take input from the user and display the Output respectively.

      2. The Next line main() is the main function where the program execution starts.

      3. The Next line is printf(“…”). It is a function which comes under the <stdio.h> header file to display the several lines which you write in it as Output. (write you messages under the double comma otherwise it can’t display )

      4. And the last line of the program returns 0. It describes that return 0; terminate the int main() function and the program return value in 0.

      In this tutorial, we learn about keywords in c programming language and first c program called Hello World. If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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      Constant in C Programming Language

      Hey Guys, In the last tutorial we have discussed variables. And Rules to constructing variable names in C programming language. Today in this tutorial we will go to discuss constant in the c programming language. So let’s begin...

      Constant in C Programming 

      As its name sounds constant means the value that doesn’t change during the execution of the program. Or An Entity that doesn’t change when the program is executed.

      Let us discuss through an example 

      Example Explained: - In this above example we stored an integer 5 in a memory location and named X given to it (Figure 1).  At the same time, we also stored an integer no 10 at the same memory location where we stored no 5(Figure 2). So the No 10 can replace No 5 because only one value can be stored at a time at the same memory location. No 10 overwrite the earlier value which was no 5.


      X =  Variables 
      5 = Constant
      10 = Constant

      Types of C Constants

      In the C programming language, Constant Can be divided into two major categories:-

      1. Primary Constant
      2. Secondary Constant

      In this tutorial, we only talk about primary constant integers, real, and character constant. Let us see the rules for constructing these different types of constant.

      Rules for Constructing an Integer Constant 

      • An Integer constant must have one digit.
      • In the Integer constant, there is no decimal value assigned to it.
      • It can either a positive number or a negative number. 
      • If you can’t assign any sign on the number it assumed as a positive integer number.
      • There is no comma or blank are allowed on your integer constant
      • The range of the integer constant is ( -32768 to 32767)

      Example of Integers constant are:- 

      • 724
      • -486
      • 7854
      • -4786 etc

      Rules for Constructing Character Constant 

      A character constant is a single digit of the alphabet, digit, or any special character which is enclosed by inverted commas.  The maximum length of a character constant can be only 1 character.

      Example of Character constant are:-

      • ‘A’
      • ‘B’ 
      • ‘5’
      • ‘*’

      Note:- Both the inverted comma should point on the left. Example ‘Z’ is a valid character constant. Whereas “Z” is not a valid Constant.

      Rules for Constructing Real Constant 

      Real Constant is also known as Floating Point Constant. There is two way to write real constant are
      1. Fraction Form and 2. Exponential Form

      Rule of Constructing Real Constant in Fraction Form 

      • A real constant must have at least 1 digit
      • It must have a decimal point. 
      • It could either positive or negative.
      • No comma or blank was allowed on it.

      Ex :- 

      • 325.24
      • 420
      • -46.46
      • +654.1968

      Rules of Constructing Real Constant in Exponential form 

      The Exponential Form of a real constant is used either your value is too small or too large. In the exponential form, the real constant is represented in two parts. The part appearing before ‘e’ is called the mantissa. Whereas the part following ‘e’ is called the exponent.

      The Rules are:-

      • The mantissa part and the exponential form part should be separated by a letter e. 
      • The mantissa part may have either a positive or negative sign. 
      • The exponential form must have at least one digit, which is either positive or negative integer. 
      • In Exponential form, the Default sign is positive. 
      • The Range of real constants expressed in exponential form is (-3.4e38 to 3.4e38). 


      •  +8.2e-5
      •  6.1e8
      •  -10.2e+3 
      • -5.4e-5
      In this tutorial, we learn about variables in c programming language If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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      Variables in C Programming Language.

      In any programming language, we have to write a lot of programs and do a lot of calculations. The result of these calculations is stored in any memory location. The memory location can be identified by the computer by its memory location address like- 55606, 55404, 55505, etc. Now Suppose, if a programmer wants to store the data at the memory location a lot of times when he writes the program. Then how difficult to remember the memory location by its address (numbers).


      So, Variables are the name given by the programmer to a memory location to store data on it. You
      can store any type of data on the memory location.
      A Variable is an Entity given by the memory location where the data of your program are stored.


      Explanation:- On the above image, suppose this is cells of the memory locations. These cells have different addresses. Here we stored a data 52 in a memory location and give it name A. and also store 25 on the other memory location and give it the name Johnny.

      So, “A” is the name of the variable where the data 52 has been stored. 

      And “John” is the name of the variable where 25 has been stored.   

      Before Creating a Variable name of your memory location there is some rule to construct variable names. Let's check it 

      Rules for Constructing a Variable Names

      A variable name can be constructed by a combination of 1-31 alphabets, digits, and underscore. Some compilers allow variable names up to 257 characters. But do not create unnecessary long variables. Because when you use it on your program you need to type long characters or words again and again.

      • The First Character of your variable must be an alphabet or underscore.
      • No comma or space is allowed on the variable names.
      • No Special symbols are allowed on the variable names. Except for underscore ( _ )   

      Example of Variable Names:- 

      • var_a 
      • var_b10
      • int_x
      • int_x_123456 etc
      In this tutorial, we learn about variables in c programming language If you find any mistakes on it. Or if you have any quarry related to it please comment below. Follow us for more programming tutorials.

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      Q/A:-How to Start Business with minimum Investment?- Most Popular Question…

      Hello guys, I am back with another tutorial, today in this tutorial we will discuss the topic is How to Start Business with a minimum Investment? I am going to share my thoughts on this topic. let's start...

      That’s probably one of the most common questions I get from my social media account, that how do I start with no money? How do I get started when I am in the 12th standard which usually knows as high school? How to get I started when I’m in my 20’s. Or what should I do, I have limited resources?

      When you have no money, how do we started the business without money? Very simply you get a  job. Get a Fucking job. You need some money coming in to do anything. You want to improve your skills? You want to buy that book? You want to get an education? You need money. Even to survive, just to eat, you need money.

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      You can’t just wait around watch a fucking video and bitch and complain and say oh what said I do?
      Do something, get a job. I don’t care what job it is, just to get some money come in. A little bit of money, nothing wrong with that.

      I was working as a delivery boy making minimum wage, deliver fucking packets to every door. I went to through the period of time, what’s wrong with that? You cannot just say oh I got so much pride. I am going to be a fucking entrepreneur.

      Get a job. You can not even get a job to forget being an entrepreneur. Do that first.

      Then in your spare time, a side hustle. On the side, then you can start something on the side. In your spare time. You are working your day job whatever it is that you do. In the night, you need to develop your high-income skill. You start earning and earning more money. When you high-income skill…let’s say hypothetically you’re making Rs 15,000 a month from your job. And in your spare time, you’re learning and developing high-income skills.

      Whatever’ it is the skill that you choose to develop. Then as your high-income skills producing money for you. It could be 5000, 7000, 10,000 rupees. Then, you can quit your job, and now this pursues this full time. Get it up to the 5000, 7000, 9000, and 15,000 rupees a month. From there you’re making money, you’re paying the bills. You are eating, it’s a good idea to eat. You are taking care of your family. You’ve got a roof over your head. You’re making a good living, a decent living.

      Then from there, if you want to, you can think about what you want to start a business. What is it, other options that you can pursue? But you need to get to that first.

      The problem is, with you guys, watching videos on YouTube. You see all these people talking about entrepreneurship, about business. You want to start your journey with zero to hundred, hope you understand what I am trying to say you need to start your business step by step.

      You can’t get success overnight. From where you are and from where you want to go, you are making fucking no money, you want to buy a Ferrari, Rolls Royce. Give me a fucking break, who the fuck are you? You need to go from here. Just get a fucking job. Let just go from here to here. Get a fucking to job to get 15,000 to 30,000 in a month. From there side hustle, high-income skill, go up and up in your monthly salary. Get to 150,000 to 250,000 rupees in a year.

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      Now you are at a different place. From there you start your business. You grow, your market, your sale. Then from there, you scale with your team. You get closer and closer and then you do invest. Now you have invested, you have your money work for you. Don’t ask a question at investing level, or get a job level.

      The problem is, with social media, that you don’t know how to filter. You don’t know to think independently, and you don’t know what the right advice is for you at this given time for you. And this time you’re confused, that’s why you are overwhelmed because everybody saying different things. And you don’t know okay what the right thing is for me?

      What’s the right thing for you is from here. If this is where you from starting or if you are here in a low level then take the advice from low level and then utilize exactly what I am teaching to you. Go to that the next level, and the next level, and then eventually, if you are fucking good, and you are persistent you’ll get to the top someday. But you are not gone get there overnight.

      So don’t daydream about oh people on Instagram. They are using shortcuts, they are living in their big mansion or whatever. And if you are making fucking like nothing. Don’t do that, don’t do that.
      Start with Zero, it means first to get a job. A baby step, as long as you’re getting closer.
      Every single month, Every single year. You’re getting closer to your goal, you are doing fucking good.

      Don’t make sense comment below if you have any doubts related to this tutorial. And if you like this tutorial then share with others who want to build his carrier in his life.

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      HTML ID :- Full Explained

      In Html, Html ID is used to specify the unique ID for an Html Elements. You cannot give the same id to multiple Html elements. Html id is given to Html elements so that they have some special name and we can do some work in it with the help of CSS and JavaScript.

      • In CSS, You can select the Html element with the specific id by using the # symbol.
      • In JavaScript, you can select the Html element with the given id by using the getElementbyID()method.

      <tag id = “value”>

      Let us see through an example:- 

      How to Use HTML ID in CSS documents.

      <title> Example of Html ID </title>
      #Cricket {
      font-size: 22px;
      color: BLUE;
      text-align: center;
      background-color: lightblue;
      #football {
      font-size: 36px;
      color: red;
      text-align: center;
      background-color: lightGreen;
      <p id = "Cricket"> Cricket  </p>
      <p id = "football"> Football </p> 


      How to Use HTML ID Using JavaScript.

      <title> Example of Html ID </title>


      <h2>Using The id Attribute in JavaScript</h2>

      <h1 id="head"> Here is my website name </h1>
      <button onclick="displayResult()">Click Here</button>

      function displayResult() {
        document.getElementById("head").innerHTML = "Welcome to Mad About Computer";


      Before Click 

      After Click 

      Different Between Class and ID 

      One of the major differences between class and id is that you can give the same class name to multiple Html elements. But you cannot give the Same ID to Multiple elements.

      Let us see through an example

      <title> Example of Html ID </title>
      #bollywood {
      font-size: 22px;
      color: BLUE;
      text-align: center;
      background-color: lightblue;

      .hollywood {
      font-size: 36px;
      color: red;
      text-align: center;
      background-color: lightGreen;

      <p id="bollywood"> Dil Bechara is a Bollywood movie. </p>
      <p class="hollywood"> X-Men is a hollywood movie </p>
      <p class="hollywood"> Fast and Furious is also a hollywood movie. </p>
      <p class="hollywood"> Mission Impossible is also a hollywood movie. </p>


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